11 September 2014

Serendipity 1: Lucky or fate?

Assalamualaikum, good evening!

Serendipity, yeah a good word to represent what I am right now.

Hmm. Yes, kebetulan yang membawa tuah ataupun bahagia.

"Since when you try to change towards 'there'?"

Niat ada dah lama. Ya, namun kekuatan masih ciput-ciput je. Although my ayah orang surau, ngaji superb. But iman tak dapat diwarisi kan. Macam lagu raihan tu.

At first, I tried to change for ayah. Then, I realise this is what I suppose to be.

Mungkin ada few of you think,"Apalah dia nak sampaikan ni"

But I believed that there will be some of you fikir sama macam apa yang aku sedang fikir sekarang. Paling tak pun terdetik lah di hati tu.

Thanks Allah, Thanks H.

Note: If anda-anda semua ni pernah terfikir macam mana yang aku fikir sekarang. Confirm you will understand. Papp.. right away.

0 'uJiAn':
