11 September 2014

Lesson 6: Ikhtilat

Assalamualaikum, salut!

Apa khabar hati? Hehe. Ada gaya talk show di tv dah.
Ikhtilat. This word I found when I read H book. Ikhtilat atau nama lainnya pergaulan.
I don't want to touch about definition or so on. But I want to share a story here.

Last time, when I do my pracs at H company. Nak praktikal pun ada interview. It got 2 session, session 1 lepas alhamdulillah. Next, dengan manager. So, I wait for my turn.

Masuk-masuk je. Dapatlah di interview with Mr. SK, chinese guy.
Suddenly, dia nak jabat tangan. I'm shock at that time. Kalau korang, apa korang nak buat?

Dalam hati aku cakap,
"Ni kalau tak sambut segan pula dia nanti. Manager tu yang hulur. Kalau nak elak, nak buat savadikap tu ke? Nanti pelik pula. Hmm.."

Jadi aku buat keputusan. Aku bow macam orang jepun. 90 degrees tau. Nak terhantuk meja dibuatnya.

Then, I said,
"Why?" Dia tanya.

Aduh, apa aku nak cakap. Dengan impromptu nya aku jawab.
"Because I am muslims."

Pull stop. Tu je?

Habis je sesi interview tu. Aku terfikir. Aku ingat semua orang faham. Kenapa dia tak faham aku tak nak sambut? Lagi mahu tanya Why?
But, alhamdulillah dapatlah berintern 4 bulan di situ.

Next story, masuk alam pekerjaan. Different things. A lot!
Waktu belajar ada je yang non-muslims. Tak ada hal pun. But...
As this salam-salam thingie menjadi-jadi. Aku pun search,
How to avoid salam with different gender?

Then, aku jumpa story tentang Morsi. Kenal Morsi? Alah yang si Sisi tu jealous sangat tu. Mesir story. Tak pa, nanti korang search ye.

Ok, so what happen. Ada satu cara. Yang memang american people amalkan pun.

Cara dia,
1. Letak tangan kanan atas bahu kiri.
2. Then, tunduk sedikit.
3. Add with a smile :)
Hah, senangnya.

Nak dipendekkan cerita, aku join one club ni. 'Master PembakarRoti'. Club ni NGO club. For those who want to improve their public speaking.

Ye lah. Aku selalu je ada miscommunication with my boss. Then, I decide to join this club. Dekat, bolehlah on the way balik tu singgah.

So, first time datang kan. Ramai lah yang nak berkenalan. (Cewah)

I try to practice what I learned.
It's quite awkward. Ye lah orang nak salam, pergi tunduk pula.

On that night, ada world championship datang nak bagi speech and tips.
Kelab ni dia train korang, then masuk contest till international level.

Suddenly, dia masukkan cerita tentang aku.
"Well, there is someone out there, who are not comfortable to shake hand. But, I do want to emphasize what does one person did,"
(Aku lah tu)

" 'Dia' cross hand and bow to me. That is the way 'dia' socialize. But still, 'dia' do socialize."

Wow, ini yang dia fikir selama ini. Even it is commented positively, but I do terfikir, because of a few people, most of other people, salah faham.

Fortunately, dia faham as this Mr. Championship ni is non-muslims. But, how about the rest yang muslims?

We can do this. Tak salah kan. Allah yang cakap tak boleh. Bukannya aku.
Mula-mula memang susah. Aku pun akui. Tapi kalau benda Allah yang suruh, mesti Dia mudahkan. Kan?

Note: For those yang baru nak masuk alam pekerjaan. It is tough. Sebab apa? Sebab it is reality. Macam-macam kita nampak. Different from all the theories thingie that we learned before. But please, don't worry, jangan lupa kita kan ada Allah. ^_^

0 'uJiAn':
